Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Lemon Rosemary Potatoes

Potatoes. We love them! I prefer sweet potatoes and yams (so does baby), and my husband and 4-year old love white potatoes. So, I roast them in different ways or simply bake them. This recipe for Lemon Rosemary Potatoes is from Vive le Vegan!

The lemon juice is added both before baking and then a little more just before the potatoes are completely cooked. The lemony flavor really soaks into those taters, and combined with the rosemary, olive oil, and salt... well, it's just delicious, "moreish" comfort food! These potatoes are meant to be a side dish, but if you're like my husband (who I affectionately call)...

(except he doesn't have a moustache!)... you can make them your main meal!


Isil Simsek said...

I can make them my main meal ;)
I just love potatoes. I also bake them with rosemary, garlic and olive oil but I've never tried lemon.

Anonymous said...

I made these as a side dish the other night to go with 'meat loaf' and we all enjoyed them, particularly my Little One who ate all the potatoes on his plate!

We'll definitely be using the recipe again!

Dreena said...

Thanks Anna!... very cool to hear you liked them. :)

Harmonia said...

I think I could even do this one! Maybe I will...might...maybe...hahaha

Dreena said...

Yeah, Madelyn, he's my handsome potato-head-hubby!

Hey, Harmonia... you're not giving yourself near enough credit, you are always posting recipes on your site! :)

~go veg said...

Harmonia said that you are giving away a cookbook...I want in ;-)

Michelle said...

ya, i'm excited about the cookbook contest.. i have Vive, but not the Everyday Vegan.. my neighbour has a copy, but not me :( It's on my list for sure!!!

we usually do potato wedges with rosemary and garlic, salt and pepper YUM

Dreena said...

Wow, you guys are super fast!! I didn't even have it published and your comments were here!! Please see my post for today and enter in on that post to be eligible. You can certainly be brief since you already chimed in here! :)

Danielle said...

I love potatoes! My favorite way is {blush} to nuke it and serve with Earth Balance.

Anonymous said...

MmMm..I love potatoes! These look great!


jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

oh snap, I have some lemon juice, potatoes & rosemary. Would bottled organic lemon juice work, or should I stick to fresh? My neighbor unloaded a small bottle when he moved, and I don't have much to do with it besides tahini drssing.

Dreena said...

Yeah, sconed, go ahead and use the bottled lemon juice. I don't use it myself, since I always keep lemons on hand, but because this isn't a 'fresh' dish, I think the bottled juice would work just fine!

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

thanks! Lemon Rosemary potatoes potatoes it is for a side dish tonight! Well, if I remember : )
If I do/when I make them I'll be sure to give you a link~

Dreena said...

Sconed, let me know how they turn out using the bottled lemon juice! :)

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...


Dreena, they were really tasty. My boyfriend, who I did not think a rosemary fan, loved them. They were a little more tangy than fresh lemon juice, but still great.

Dreena said...

Thanks for the feedback, Jess, I'm glad you both liked them. Love the new pic of you, by the way! :)

Isil Simsek said...

Yesterday I baked the potatoes your way and it was delicous. Thanks!