These are my Chocolate P-Nut Butter Squares from Vive
Anyhow, the carob chips work quite nicely and are a fine substitution, though they don't produce as smooth and firm a topping as the dark chocolate does. So when you cut through the bars, the top layer cuts into the p-nut butter layer a smidgen. No biggie, they still taste divine!
Anyhow, you start by making the oat base layer for the bars (bowl and spoon mixing). This base is lightly baked, and then topped with the peanut butter layer which is combined on the stovetop (yay, Leslie!). This layer is then topped off with the smooth chocolate layer.
With a few steps involved, you may not make these bars for a quick cookie fix. But... they aren't difficult to make, just require those few steps and a little extra pot cleaning - worth it for a special cookie treat! :)
Oh my, those look good. I think I'd better make those to take on the plane to Philadelphia on Wednesday...
I have been wanted to try these! Now that I have my new oven maybe I will try to do them! YAY!
Why am I all of a sudden craving chocolate? :)
These look wonderful Dreena! Carob is awesome and sometimes I can only take a bit of it, since it's super-sweet!
Thanks for the special shout-out! I like the stovetop part of the deal, but I'm (still) workin' on the oven thing.
Good idea, dreamqueen, because we all know how fabulous plane food is! Even if you order a vegan meal on flights that serve meals, it isn't always guaranteed (plane delays, etc) - we've had that happen seveeral times, though I always pack a lot of food for travels for that very reason! I hope you enjoy if you do decide to make them! :)
Well Harmonia, you've just got to
put that new oven to work, right? :)
Hi Mal! I hear you about being busy - believe me! You are so often baking/cooking and giving to people around you... so generous and caring of you. Those cookies are not very sweet, since they don't use sugar or sweeteners, just raisins and orange juice. You can test the batter as you make them to determine if you want to add a little stevia (a pinch or two should do it). Do you use stevia? Good luck, let me know how the modifications go! :)
Hi Grace... the power of pictures, hey? :)
Hi Leslie, just saw your comment after posting my reply. I agree about carob - it is quite sweet, and so often you don't need much of it to quell that sweet craving! When I posted that mention of you I thought "well, she can make 1/2 of the bars anyhow"! :)
I was just looking at this recipe... need more (non-dairy) chocolate chips and I'm ready to go.
I'm almost done eating a batch of your Energy Cookies - oh my those are fantastic!
One of these days I make it out of the dessert and snack sections :-)
thanks for the great book!
Yesterday, I made the Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies from Vive, and they so rock. I have found the perfect chocolate chip cookie. I have to restrain myself from eating the whole batch, they're that good.
I could so go for one of those right about now! They look wonderful :-) Thanks for posting them and reminding me that we have no cookies in the house - I best get baking!
Dreena: You mentioned about food you pack when traveling. Could this be the topic of one of your blog days or in the cookbook also? I'd really like to know what you pack. I'm always taking my own food (even if it's just for a day-trip) and try to keep it as nutritious as possible. I've found those small cartons of soy milk to be wonderful for morning cereals away from home. Oh, and those Squares look soooo yummy!
Hi Myrtle - thank you! I'm delighted that you enjoy the Energy Cookies. They're not too sweet, and yet still a treat with all the seeds and healthy stuff in there. Thanks for your feedback, and I hope you enjoy these squares too! :)
Hi Madelyn... thanks (that new profile pic is great - I know I mentioned it on your blog, but had to again!)
Ohhh, thanks Danielle!! Wow, you did a lot of cooking/baking along with those cookies! A day of dishes to clean after all that, right? I'm so pleased that you love the choc chip cookies, and the good thing is that if you *do* eat the whole batch, they are easy enough to whip up again. :)
Thanks Nancy... yes, we can never be without treats in the house - never! I have been testing so many cookies and sweet things the last week or two I have to unload them on friends occasionally. I run out of containers to store them in, and it gets ridiculous how many cookies/cupcakes are around! I know, I know... what a complaint, right?
Hi Starla... sorry for my delay in responding! That's a great idea and I will put some ideas together for a post a little later on - thanks for the suggestion. :)
mmmmmmmmmmmmm! im 11 and love to bake and those look so good i better maken soon
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