As I've mentioned before, we call the orange tubers "yams" in Canada, while most of you in the US and other countries know them as "sweet potatoes". Whatever the name, this recipe uses the orange taters and we love 'em!!
This yam recipe is very simple, and uses Chipotle Hot Sauce (I use Tabasco brand) that you see in other recipes in Vive. Normally, I pair these wedges with guacamole, but tonight I wanted my tangy, zippy Mi-So Good Gravy from TEV.

The arrowroot will thicken the gravy once it reaches a boil. I don't use a lot of oil in the recipe, so it is not high in fat if that's a consideration for you. Though, you can add extra olive oil and it will make the gravy much richer in taste. Regardless of how much oil you use, the gravy is tangy-wonderful from the seasonings including miso, vinegar, ginger, and a bit of garlic! As a note, this gravy is also yummy on top of veggie patties made with grains/beans, and with potato dishes!

Leslie has other bead necklaces and bracelets, and will soon have a website to showcase her designs, but check out this post to see some of her other items (she may not still have all of these, but she has others too, so check with her)!!

Finally, I want to tell everyone about Harmonia's new Veggin Out vegan/vegetarian discussion board. I know many of you already know about it, but if not, pop over and have a chat!
Alrighty, that's all for now folks... go cook, go buy some fabu jewelry, and then go chat about it all!! :)
oooh...i love the stone! very pretty.
i'm trying to order your books but amazon is not behaving right now...grrr...
Dreena, my dear, you are so sweet. Thank you for the fabulous showcase of the necklace! Again, I am so happy you like it and it looks great on you, thanks for showing off.
And of course the food...
Those Yam Fries look delicious!!!
yay!!! i ordered both books. i'm so excited.
Dreena, you are so funny. This is a great post. Love all of it! Great food from you, great gems from Leslie, great place to hang courtesy of Harmonia...
Megan the Vegan's beau made her yam fries, too!!! It must be one of those times of years perfect for these golden goodies.
Actually, yams and sweet potatoes are not synonymous--they're two different veggies. (p. 583, The Gourmet Cookbook) True yams, apparently, are part of the Asian diet and were brought to Latin American by the Portuguese, then further north to the US and Canada. Unlike sweet potatoes, they are starchy and bland.
Whatever you call these fries, though, they look fantastic.
Your yam fries look delicious. I never thought to put chipotle sauce on them. That is a really cool idea. I love chipotle sauce. Your necklace is beautiful. And I have to say I am loving VegginOut.
I love yams/sweet potatoes. Yummy, yummy, yummy. I'll have to try the chipotle yams. I got the Tobasco Chipotle stuff also. But until the highs get below 85, I'm not touching my oven.
I loooove yam fries.
the necklace is georgous! i'll have to try the yam + miso combo ~ i'm sure i'd it.
Yum on the fries & YAY Leslie...her jewlery looks so beautiful!!
Hi Dreena
I always get confused in my grocery store because they sell both yams and sweet potatoes.... what's a girl to do? So given the choice, what would you recommend choosing? My daughter loves home made french fries and I have been wanting to try the yam/sweet potatoe fries.
Your new necklace is lovely. Leslie, you are very talented. I love jewellery like this. I will have to find this on Leslie's blog.
The miso gravy sounds great, I think I will try that soon. The only problem for me is that my immersion blender is used for making soap. It sounds like it is time for me to invest in a second one. (I'm always afraid to use the soap blender with food on the off chance that some lye gets in.)
Leslie/Dreena I really dig the necklace.
Hi Tanya, well, amazon picked up for you again pretty quickly! Thanks, and when you do receive the books, be sure to e-mail or comment if you have any q's!!!
Leslie, you are most welcome. I am loving the necklace so much, and you were such a dear to arrange the order for me - and to send along the lavender pillow too. I want to see your full wesbsite soon!! :)
Thanks Jenny, we love yam fries, though lately the yams I have bought have been quite mealy and not very moist. Disappointing - maybe just the time of year.
Hi Kleo - that's so funny about Megan... I clicked through to see her post... how we are affected by food photos, hey? Potatoes and yams were something my hubby always loved to make too. Now with our schedules, he rarely gets in the kitchen, but he has made many fries - yams, sweet potatoes, reg potatoes - in our time together!!
Thanks for the info urban vegan. Yes, therein lies the confusion!! Yams, technically, are the tropical yams that are quite starchy and bland and rarely seen in grocery stores in NA. These are what many people outside of NA know as "yams". But in NA, our grocery stores call the moist, orange fleshed potatoes yams - garnet yams or jewel yams. Then, there are the sweet potatoes as well. It has become *quite* confusing and now in recipes I really have to write out which potato to use, rather than saying yam or sweet potato, I am trying to identify/describe it so there is no confusion. There probably still will be some, though...! :)
Thanks Cindy. The necklace IS beautiful, and I love the colors because they will go with so much and with casual every day kind of clothes. btw, I love chipotle sauce with yams because of the smoky/sweet combination - I've mentioned it a few times here before, and I'm sure many are getting tired of how I love that smoky/sweet combo!!! :)
Yes, Danielle, we love all things potato too!! We haven't had much hot weather here yet - at all... I'm actually quite eager to get a few hot days!
And, sdgvegan, there's no tofu to be found in these!
Hi Vicki, thanks! You've been cooking like mad lately - or maybe you always cook that much and have been posting a ton about it all - whatever, it all has looked amazing!
Hey Julie! I know, I really want to see Leslie's jewelry website for a peek at more fabulous stuff!!
Dragonslayer, really you could use sweet potatoes OR yams in this recipe. Yams (garnet or jewel) are more moist and I prefer them most times. They do have a tendency to get mushed or crushed if they are tossed about too much while cooking, so keep that in mind. They are sweeter as well, and if making fries for your daughter, you can also try cutting them thinner like fries and they will crisp up more. Though with yams, they get a little chewy when they get crispy - almost like candy! With sweet potatoes (the yellowish taters), they are drier like potatoes, but still yummy. They turn brownish quick when you are cutting them, too. I like to keep these a bit thicker, just because they are on the drier side and thin fries with these can be a tad tough. Hope your daughter likes them, we found that the first try or two the girls were just 'so-so' on them, but now they love them (without the chipotle sauce, of course, I usually bake up a smaller pan just plain with olive oil and a touch of salt for them).
If you're trying to make me forget about that chocolate cake...it's not working. When I scroll down, I can still see it. Leslie does lovely work. Your necklace is absolutely gorgeous! I'd be giddy too.
Got your e-mail. I'll get started on that soon. A big THANK YOU to you.
Dreena - I've requested your books for my birthday...but it's not until September. We'll see if I can wait that long.
Thanks for clearing up the confusion with Yams vs. Sweet Potatoes - I think I have them straight now.
Your necklace is great. I enjoy beading and making jewelry, but have only done pieces for myself. It looks great on you!
Jody, I just missed your comment as I was replying, anyhow, that is quite funny, and I can only agree - I wouldn't want to use it for cooking either. :) I've never heard of using an immersion blender for soap-making, but then, I know very little - well, nothing actually - about making soap!!
Carrie, I made that post long enough and with enough pics just so that it would be hard for you to ever forget about chocolate... mmmm, chocolate cake!! ha! You're very welcome, btw, and really, no rush on trying them out. :)
Thanks Crystal! I love wearing the necklace, it's so neat-looking, and it's comfy to wear too!!
The yams look so great!
And the miso gravy is even better!
It just looks like something I used to get at a japanese joint together with my veggie bento box. They since closed and I still have the gravy crave!
Thanks so much t!! I really love the tanginess of the gravy, it just hits the spot so many nights with potatoes, fries, veggie burgers, yams, etc!!
Thanks for the plug! All ladies welcome!!!
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