Hey guys! So, I went ahead and entered the gluten-free recipe contest, with my Frosted B-raw-nies recipe. This is the first recipe contest I have ever entered! Kinda' strange!
Here's the deal: The contest is open to all kinds of gluten-free recipes, not just vegan. The judges will select three recipes to test and evaluate - and, the three recipes that are chosen will be those with the most reader comments (or 'replies'). So, in order for my recipe to get to the judge's table, I need replies on my recipe. Most of the other recipes there are meat/dairy based, so not only would it be cool for me to win the contest, it would be great for a vegan and gf recipe to get the win. So, my trusted readers, if you want to help me out, please link through and post a 'reply' to my brownie recipe. If you're new to the everyday health site, you will have to register to comment, but it only takes a couple of minutes. Thank you for supporting me... I'm typing with fingers crossed here! :)
Bit o' randomness... I'm writing this post just after changing a diaper. Seriously, some diaper changes require a team of experts. This one I took solo, but there are times when hubby or I are doing a change and call out to the other "it's a high-back!" (Code: get your butt up and help now! Ok, that's my code, hubby knows better than to ever say that, even in code, heh.) I don't know if it's a vegan baby thing (our kiddos have never been constipated), but man, some diapers are a feat to change. Between keeping babe still (she's full-on squirmy, moving, climbing, going-going-going), and getting the high-backs or blow-outs... trouble is, usually just one of us (and usually me) to take it all on, ugh. Now, aren't you happy I shared my random thoughts?
That bit o' randomness made me laugh really hard! Haha! And, as a stay-at-home mom to a two-year-old (who is still in diapers, ugh...), I totally get it. I'm right there with ya!
Sorry, Dreena! I don't have kids of my own but have done plenty of babysitting and infant room work over the years. I used to babysit for this guy that had "poop explosions." It would literally shoot out the sides. Ugh.
Your bit o randomness made me laugh and I really needed it!
Thank you
Randomness is ALWAYS welcome in my books! Especially when it involves potty talk...I have a four-year-old's sense of humour. You may recall my cookies...haha.
LOVE your randomness! Both my mom and I tend to do the same thing where we just go from one random subject to the next! Sometimes we find it difficult to follow each other's conversations but at least we all get in a good laugh!
BTW, are we allowed to reply more than once on your brownies? I hope you win! They are so good! I had some in the freezer and finished the last one today! How sad!
LOVE your randomness! My mom and I tend to hold conversation where we go from one random subject to the next. Sometimes we find it hard to follow each other but at least we all get in a good laugh!
BTW, are we allowed to reply more than once on your brownies? They are just so good! I had some in my freezer and just ate my last one today. How sad!
Ha! I can still remember some very specific poop explosion incidents from each of my kids. One in particular with our oldest baby at about 9 months -- I was out of the house and hubby was taking care of the baby. I got home and baby was in the high chair having "exploded" onto the seat and the floor! Was my dear husband cleaning him and the mess up? Oh, no. He was busy taking photos of the situation so that he could prove to me later how bad the mess was! (Guess who ended up cleaning it?)
lol... the randomness bit... after a BROWNIE post?? silly.
I've left a comment on the brownie post -- I hope you win!
thanks Kimberly, really appreciate it (and me too!!) :P
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