Maybe it's time to start saying "a goji a day keeps the doctor away"... okay, well maybe a handful of gojis a day - nah, that doesn't have the same ring. And, no, I'm not bashing the good ol' apple. As long as it's organic. Okay, I'll stop rambling. Go read!
I love goji berries! On my cereal, on top of my chocolate cake, in my smoothies....they are delicious.
Voracious Vegan, they've really grown on me, and now I can snack on them straight and add them to foods easily whereas before it took some coaxing!
Definitely a goji lover also! I love them straight up or mixed into cereal/granola, smoothies, vegan yogurt....
And I think you might be on to something with the "goji a day!"
If you're looking to purchase some Goji Berries, we have some at Free From Market: http://www.freefrommarket.com/cgi/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=1165
Love the Goji!
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