Saturday, May 15, 2010

Contest Winner! (and some green smoothie tips)

Okay, first off, the winner of the Silver Hills giveaway is Rylee (comment #9:  "Silver Hills Squirrely Bread has been my favourite bread for years, I absolutely love it!!").  Congratulations, Rylee!  Please e-mail me at so we can arrange the shipment. :)

And, for more good healthy stuff, click on over for some tips on making green smoothies.  Even if you regularly make green smoothies, there might be an idea or tip in there for you to use.  Also, feel free to comment on my t/s post with any of your own fave green smoothie combinations or suggestions.

Back with more soon!


veganhomemaker said...

Hi Dreena, I tried to post a comment on your smoothie post but I guess since I'm not on face book it wouldn't let me. I just wanted to mention that in your step 3 you say to pulverize your greens for a couple minutes. That is way to long if you have a Blendtec or a vitamix(I have a blendtec). As you know after running a Blendtec for 2 minutes your smoothie would be warm. Yuck! BTW, spirulina is also great in a smoothie and you can't taste it:)

Dreena said...

veganhomemaker, thanks for the note. I made some clarification in my t/s article, since I was thinking of a standard blender (and when I did use a regular blender I would have to blend for a minute or two). Though, sometimes with all the frozen fruit I use in my smoothies I do have to pulse again a few times after running the whole juice cycle with my Blendtec, and even with that extra time it is still chilled. But, that's with all the frozen fruit. If the fruit is room temp, yes, the smoothie would indeed get warmish. So, thanks for catching that, I've made some edits. :)