Swiss Chard |
Still, we did get our zuke seeds in the ground, as well as some starter chard (getting going, to the right) and kale plants, and a few herbs (parsley, oregano, thyme). I'm disappointed we didn't get to basil. I looked for the starter plants, but they were scarce this year (at least once we got to it)! I'll have to settle on stocking up on my cherished basil at the farmer's market.
wee wee kale and more chard |
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go, chard, go! Here's the chard a couple of weeks ago, getting bigger and stronger! |
And, here we are today. Our chard is really fully and lush, and our kale (on the left) is catching up! Plus, our zuke plants are showing their stuff (below). Sorry for the blurry pic, it was early when I snapped this photo. ;) Zuke plants will grow HUGH folks, make sure they have some room!
I am loving having more greens this year. When the kale gets hearty, I'll be using it in my morning green smoothies. And the chard leaves I'm using in lunches daily. Just this week I used them as 'wraps' for a "rawroona" roll. What's that, you say? Well, it's sort of my take on a raw tuna salad, but not entirely raw as it uses cooked chickpeas rather than nuts. Sorry, could never abandon my chickpeas. They rule. Anyhow, as I was making the rolls, all I could think of was Scooby Doo. Might have something to do with the girls loving the lovable pup... or the fact that once Scooby says "rawroona??!" in your head, there's no going back. (Or, maybe I need more time out!) Whatever, you'll be sure to hear more about my Swiss Chard and "rawroona" rolls in my next post. :D
My son's 7th grade class raised zucchini seedlings and they all got to bring one home on the last day of school. We planted it in an honorary position in the veggie garden and the thing is MASSIVE and SO happy with it's placement that we simply stand and marvel at the thing every morning. So far there are three small zucchinis on it, probably ready to be picked by the end of next week, which my son already has requested be used in muffins. I have to say, the results are phenom, but the plant itself is SO gorgeous, it would be silly NOT to have them in your garden.
Hi, I am a new fan who found your blog on a google search. I am interested in the vegetarian, vegan lifestyle. Hoping to learn so good things from your blog.
Claudia, I think that is so cool that your son's class worked on planting zukes - and brought the plant home. There is so much junky stuff going around classrooms, candy and more, that this is such a fresh departure! And, you're right, they are pretty majestic looking. Apparently eggplant are even more beautiful. I talked to farmer last year, and she said that eggplant plants are so pretty with purple flowers. Anyhow, good luck with your crop - and from our experience last year, they taste best when small/medium, rather than when they get large (too seedy)!
Marsha, thanks for popping in, I love your profile pic!!
Oh My Dreena - your garden looks lush and lovely! You should see how crammed mine is... Far too small. On the upside I made some yummy chard from EDBV today with rainbow chard from the garden and also a great greens smoothie for baby with help from one of your recipes and freshly picked young kale! I love how your recipes blend so seamlessly with the products of our locally grown fare. Good luck with your garden - your plants will be happy they aren't as crowded as mine...
3birdsmama, I'd love to have a little more planted really! But, we are giving space for the zukes, b/c they become monstrous. I bet you have a great garden, and sometimes I see little gardens more crowded but doing well. Glad you're putting your greens to good use! (did she like the smoothie, btw?) To think I grew up on iceberg lettuce and thought *that* was a green!! thanks dear!
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