I picked up a dozen samosas at a local specialty store, so I baked up a few and froze the remainder for another night. I also made my vegan raita, which I posted about once before, and I almost have the recipe finalized. I rounded out the meal with a salad of greens and sliced red pepper, for some palate cleansing crunch and freshness!
I am hoping the kids will eventually take to stronger flavors and spicier foods, because I am enjoying (and wanting to cook) them more and more these days. And when I say spicy, and I don't mean "hot" - I don't like food so hot that I don't taste the underlying flavor. I like bold flavor with hint of heat mixed in. I thoroughly enjoyed this meal, and couldn't wait to have leftovers!
Looks grand as always, Dreena!
Hopefully your kids will take to spicier foods and different flavors sooner than I did..I didn't each much more than spicy Chinese and spicy Thai till oh...a year or two ago
You could always ship the spicy stuff to me!
Question...what/how would you use Cystallized Ginger for?
OMG! We are under Tornado watches!
Thunderstorms now. I think I will be getting off the computer for a while...I'll chatter with you soon!
Okay I think we are ok now.
I posted a few other questions on my blog...the question above was re: crystallized ginger...sorry about the typo.
Hi Amy, thanks... well, the plain soy yogurt that I have used I *think* is probably a touch sweeter than dairy plain yogurt (it's been such a long time since I've had it). But remembering how sour plain yogurt used to be to me, I think the soy yogurt is certainly a little more sweet. I add a little lemon juice and salt to the recipe, and that's probably why! Okay, so I am keeping the age of 6 in mind... she turns five in just a few weeks so it's not too far away - at least for one of them!
Stephanie, thank you very much for that feedback. I will make note of that suggestion for certain. In many recipes in Vive and TEV I give ideas of how to serve it, with maybe another sauce or dish from the book, but I definitely don't do it for *every* recipe, and I see how it is helpful for people. For the tofu and fried rice that you mention, they actually would pair together quite nicely I think. I like to have that tofu also with the "Basmati Greek Rice" recipe, and that fried rice is very nice served with a soup, such as "Pureed Curried Squash and Yam Soup" or "Pureed Roasted Fennel and Parsnip Soup" (both from TEV), or is also nice with another tofu or bean dish (a bean patty or simple lentil side dish), or even just a generous salad. Hope that helps for those couple of recipes! :)
Thanks Jess! Well, when I think of it I didn't start trying more ethnic foods until the last 8-10 years or so (which is probably similar to you since I think I have about 10 years on you!), and gosh, my kids eat far more different seasonings and foods than I did as a kid!
Oh, Harmonia, crystallized ginger is great to cut up small and pop in cookies or muffins, or just eat on its own. Also, I ALWAYS put it in my chocolate bark for the holidays! (posted on the recipe page). Take care, hope the tornado warning isn't as serious as it is sounding right now...
oh, and I just read on to see you again, Harmonia!! Good to know all is well. :) (didn't even notice the typo, btw! funny!)
This looks awesome! I love the flare to the meal. I tried samosas for the first time (curried) on my birthday and they were wonderful. I knew they would be as I'd been thinking about eating them for a while... thanks for this post, you are really cookin' up some awesome goodness, Dreena!
On the topic of the new cookbook I would love a lemony dessert like lemon loaf or lemon squares that are super tangy. I have not yet found anything vegan in this department and I miss my delicious lemon loaf!!
I can't wait for the recipe for the raita! Yum!
That looks delicious. I'm just starting to get my husband to open up to ethnic foods and spices. He's sort of a "super taster" when it comes to spicy food, so I really have to tone it down, but we're making head way! It's funny to me how even the most stereotype-shattering people can still live up to what society expects of them: my husband can be such a baby about food! It's taken almost 4 years for me to be able to make broccoli! 4 years!
Thanks for the info on the ginger! I've never tried it before! The herb lady told me that is it good for fighting motion sickness!
Leslie, thanks again... I love samosas, and I find that they vary just slightly from place to place. Of course, some aren't very authentic, but I still enjoy them! I always need a 'cooling' dip with them though - too hot for my tastebuds!
Hi Tina - I'll make a note for sure, thanks! Kind of like the tangy taste of a lemon meringue pie?? The closest thing I think I have is my 'Baked Lime (or Lemon) Cream Pie', which if you don't add the layer of pudding to the top, is actually pretty tangy. But, I will think about a lemon square for the next book - great suggestion!! :)
Thanks, Julie, it's super simple, and I think you probably have a better selection of plain soy yogurts than we do, so it would be even better (the brand I have been testing with needs improvement!)
Ohhh, krispcheks, then you are WAY ahead of me and I've been married 12 years and with hubby for several years before that, and I STILL have to find ways to coax a couple of bites of broccoli or a few green peas on to his plate (which I don't understand - they are sweet and yummy)!! Though, there was a time when we were first together that I don't think he ever ate veggies - salads or anything, so he (and we) have come a long way! You really crave salads and veggies when you are used to eating them and they have been lacking in a meal or two during the day!
Hi Harmonia... ginger is SO wonderful - such a healthy food. I always have fresh ginger, and for more info on ginger's health benefits, check back to my ginger post - http://vivelevegan.blogspot.com/2006/01/ginger-power.html -
or, google it for LOTS of info about how healthy it is!
Will do! Thanks!
That looks delicious - we love samosas and curry...
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