It always seems to sneak up on me, our Thanksgiving... do my fellow Canadians notice this? It's back to school and then all of a sudden, whammo! Thanksgiving is here! Especially this year. Hubby mentioned last week that we had a long weekend approaching, and I said "what for?". Yeah, Thanksgiving! I'd prefer how US Thanksgiving is closer to the entire holiday season. In Canada, I feel it gets lost between school and Halloween business.

Even if you don't care much for pumpkin pie, I think you'll like this recipe. Because, didn't you see CHOCOLATE in the title?! The taste of the pumpkin mix offers more of a background note to the intense dark chocolate flavor. So, this pie can be served to a crowd of both pumpkin pie lovers, and those not feelin' the pumpkin pie love!
If you have ED&BV, you can also check out my Pumpkin Cheese-Pie, p.207.
Enjoy your Thanksgiving, guys... and of course, the pie!
Oh Dreena, you're awesome. This will definitely be on our US thanksgiving menu (but I may not be able to wait until then!) Enjoy your holiday weekend!
Thank you so much for posting this recipe up. My sister brought me a tin of organic pumpkin over from the States last year and I haven't really known what to do with it, pumpkin pie doesn't really appeal, but CHOCOLATE pumpkin pie, that I can do.
You are a goddess. 'Nuff said.
Wow this sure does look delicious. I've never made a pie and hated it as a kid- but they were always nasty store bought ones anyways (I don't think they even use real fruit in most of them). I'm sure that I would like this and I can't believe how simple it is to make. I know it will be a winner with those ingredients. And once my cookbook finally comes from Amazon you can count on me to make the celestial cream with it. I've been dreaming of it since Leslie posted about it over a year ago!
Chocolate AND pumpkin? Two of my favorite things, all in one recipe? I'll gladly trade Thanksgivings with you, just so I can have a good excuse to make this now!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh my god, this is amazing!
Hope you have a great thanksgiving!
That looks awesome!!
I really like Thanksgiving being a part of the whole "holiday season" here in the states, but Thanksgiving does tend to get lost in the Christmas shuffle. I feel so bombarded with advertising and stores pushing Christmas on me, that I have a hard time feeling the "Thanksgiving spirit."
Hi Dreena
I am totally planning on making this for the Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. Of course, all the pumpkin pie mix was sold out at our grocery store. I got a can of pumpkin instead... I guess I'll have to see if I can finagle it!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ooh, yummy! I love pumpkin pie, I love chocolate. Does it get any better? Thanks, Dreena. This might just tide me over until Amazon ships your book!
oooh, I think I know what I'll be baking for this year's Thanksgiving celebration!! :0)
Okay, I made four things from the new book for Thanksgiving this weekend, and have posted about it on my blog. The book is so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your talents and creativity with us!
I would have never thought of chocolate and pumpkin together, but it sounds and looks delicious.
Looks wonderful! Where do you buy your cookie crusts?
Dreena - I made this recipe this weekend.....SO GOOD! You have now entered saint-hood in my mind!
Tried this yesterday and my family is in love with it. Thanks for another delicious vegan treat!
Hi everyone. Sounds like I'm not the only one digging chocolate + pumpkin... awesome!
Melissa, sorry I'm just now getting back to you - with the plain canned pumpkin, you'd want to add a good dose of spice including cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice to the mixture - and some sweetener - since this is essentially the difference between canned pumpkin and pumpkin pie mix. Using the mix is MUCH easier... maybe next time - Christmas, perhaps? or Halloween!
Awww, thanks Vegmomma. I'm SO glad you are getting use of the book already and enjoying it so much... :) :)
Soulmatesforever, in the past I've bought the crusts at Choices Markets - but they haven't been carrying the graham/choc crusts recently. You can use the traditional pastry crust though - either white or w/w crust - and Choices do carry those (in frozen section). Will work nicely too - or you can make a cookie crust if you prefer.
Ha, Megan, I'll be your patron saint of vegan chocolate pumpkin confections. :) Super pleased you enjoyed it, thanks!
Again, thanks to you all, glad you are enjoying the pie. I am *squeezed* for time these days, so while I'd love to 'chat' back with all of you, it's not working out so well these last weeks. But know I appreciate all of your comments... and food luv!
Yay! I just received my copy of Eat, Drink, and Be Vegan! today from Amazon. I had pre-ordered it so long ago and was very excited to flip through it tonight. I love the look of this choc.pumpkin pie you've posted here and love the photos of this and all the other foods in your new book. :)
My daughter saw the new cookbook and said, "yay! Make something tonight!" haha! I cannot wait. I'm so happy to have your book!
Happy holidays!
thanks for this recipe.
I have just ordered my copy and can't wait for it.
I tried to cook veggie muffuletta without knowing the recipe because your photo was so appealing ;)I posted about it yesterday.
Dreena, this is so, so awesome!
And you are so, so awesome! Thank you:)
-kaivegan, who has not commented in a long while, but reads your blog anyway
Btw, I think I ate most of the pie. Bad.
I just made this recipe and now it's cooling so we can try it out. We're going to top it with some delicious soy whipped cream we smuggled back from Austria.
I brought it to work and it did quite well. I have wheat allergies so I made a pecan and date crust instead of the pre-made ones. Tasted great that way.
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