Also, please note that I have changed the closing date to midnight February 7th (Tuesday) for my cookbook giveaway contest (see updated rules). I think a week is plenty of time to gather entries from you all, I underestimated how many comments I would receive! My thanks to all of you for adding some wit and flair to the contest with your comments! :)
Hi Dreena,
Thanks for suggesting VegBlog - I've never read it before. Would you like to plug any other blogs (I'm always looking for new ones to read)?
Thanks for directing us to Veg Blog Dreena. Like Danielle, I hadn't read it before. I've just been browsing for 15 minutes and think I'll link it. I cruise all over looking for information, tips, recipes, etc. You offer all of that on your numerous blogs. You're like one stop shopping!
Happy Sunday! It's raining/snowing here so I'm thinking a nice stew or hearty soup for dinner. What are you making? (Hint,hint. Maybe you could post it tomorrow? *grin*)
i've never read VegBlog before either, thanks for the linky ;) i'm making your lemon rosmary potatoes tonight to go along with our veggie burgers and salad! YUM, the house is smelling good already.
Well guys, I'm really glad then that I mentioned Ryan's blog here. He's had Veg Blog for years now, ahead of the times blogging before any of us heard the term I'm sure!
Danielle, I pretty much just visit Veg Blog and then many of the food blogs that we all seem to visit through blogger - many of the folks that comment here and a few others. I also listen to Erik Marcus' weekly podcast on Vegan.com and Bob and Jenna's "Vegan Freak" weekly podcast. By the way, they interviewed Ryan from Veg Blog on last week's podcast - you can listen at www.veganfreak.com. That's really all I can keep up with, in addition to cooking and being "mom"!!
Hey Carrie! Oh, I don't miss the huge snowfalls... hope it's not too bad there! I think I'm making my Brown Rice Pizza tonight - I'll post a pic later this week if so... soup is sounding good too though!
Michelle, what veg burgers do you like the best? We tend to go with Amy's the most. I try others and I'm just not pleased with them. Plus, I like that the Amy's California burger is an alternative to all the soy ones out there.
Speaking of the brown rice pizza, how hard is it to make with long grain rice? I've been looking for short grain brown rice, but it seems to be hard to find around here.
Thanks for pointing out Veg Blog, Dreena!
btw, I served your creamy hummus today at a Superbowl party I went to...it was sooo good. It's really mild-but, that's what I like about it! There were even some first timers there (people who had never eaten hummus) and they thought it was fab!! Oh, and I love the sesame oil in it--so good.
dreena... yup, we love Amy's California burgers. occasionally we'll do Yves burgers in the summer, but Amys are best!
before i went vegan, i would love mayo on my burgers, but now hummus is our fav!
Vegblog is a great place. I also like Vegsource.
Happy Monday...I think. teehee
Hope all is well!
Oh! Mal ~ I think you should open a vegan restaurant! That would ROCK!
You've really got a great blog here Dreena! It's fun to check it out daily to see what you've posted next.
Try hummus sandwiches with homemade hummus, whole fresh basil leaves and tomatoes slices. Yum!
P.S. Thanks for noticing the missing link to my website for Vegfest. It's being added as I type : )
Thanks for the reference to VegBlog, it looks really interesting.
I found some short grain rice today, so you can ignore my other post about long grain rice. Do you have any suggestions of other veggies that would work well on this pizza (I'm not a fan of red peppers, so I am going to leave those out)?
I haven't been there yet, thanks for the heads up : )
Hi everyone!
Danielle, I'm glad you found the short-grain brown rice. I will answer you question anyhow, though, in case others are wondering. Long-grain brown rice isn't as sticky as the short. The short grain really helps make the pizza 'crust' stick together, otherwise it will crumble apart. The pizza sometimes crumbles a little with the short-grain, but not too bad. Of course, if you only have long-grain, then you can make the recipe and use a casserole dish instead of doing a pizza, so it's easier to scoop out. For the veggies, really just go with what you like, and it's nice to roast them, but you don't have to - so, zucchini, mushrooms, thinly sliced onions, artichoke hearts, olives, pineapple, chopped tomatoes, etc. Fresh herbs sprinkled on the finished pizza are great too!
Speaking of fresh herbs... LOVE that idea for the hummus sandwich, Julie. I don't use fresh basil much this time of year because it just isn't plentiful/in season here. But all you need for that sandwich is a few leaves... will have to try it! I'm so glad you find my blog fun and informative too!
And to the other Julie :) ... glad you liked the hummus!! I like the toasted sesame oil too, just a little different.
Thanks again for your WONDERFUL feedback, everyone! Enjoy Ryan's Veg Blog!
Thanks for all the kind words, everyone! Hope you continue to enjoy the Veg Blog whether you're a new reader or an long-time visitor.
And, of course, thanks for the plug, Dreena. :)
... Ryan
I'll have to check this out.
Thanks for the help with the pizza. I have another question: do you know if it makes good leftovers? I cook for just myself, so I would not be able to eat all of the pizza at once.
Absolutely, Danielle. We don't eat all of it either, and so just store the leftovers in an airtight container. When you reheat it, the 'crust' may get a little over-crisp with the extra baking, but it's not a big deal. Also, the sauce will dry out some more too, so you can dollop on a little extra if you want to keep it more moist!
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