Monday, February 04, 2008

Food Network Canada recipes are HERE!

Some of you already know, but here's the official announcement: My set of vegan recipes is now online at! YEAH!

You can do a search on my name, and you will bring up 20 recipes. But... there is another that doesn't come up in the search (should soon though). I'll get to that recipe in a minutes. Over the next couple of posts, I'll break down some of the recipes and give you some details and hopefully pictures too!

But first, here is the full list of recipes:*
1. Pumpkin Oat Muffins (wheat-free)
2. Salba Banana Muffins
3. Raw Aioli
4. Pesto Hummus
5. Cashew-Chive Spread
6. Classic Caesar Dressing
7. Walnut-Mustard Vinaigrette
8. Mexican Bean Soup (with) Chipotle Avocado Cream (these are 2 separate recipes but I initially paired them together) **and that should be 1 1/4 tsp of cumin seed - not 1 1/4 cup!!
9. Peanut Thai Vegetable Stew
10. Pureed Squash, Sweet Potato and Celeriac Soup
11. Warmly Spiced Quinoa Chickpea Stew with Figs
12. Olive Oregano Wine-Baked Tofu
13. Brazil Nut Pesto
14. Walnut-Pecan Balls
15. Sauteed Savory Crumbled Tofu
16. Lemon Dijon Green Beans
17. Fresh Blueberry Oat Squares (wheat-free)
18. Chocolate Cherry Pecan Cookies (wheat-free)
19. Chocolate Orange Cornmeal Cookies (gluten-free)
20. Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Tart with Coconut Crust

So, let's talk more about some of these yummy recipes! The pic above... those are the Walnut-Pecan Balls. I LOVE this recipe. Though, it was tricky to take this photo, because the balls look almost too 'meaty', and they're not. There is NO meat analogue in this recipe - no tvp, no ground round, etc. Just a combination of pecans, walnuts, quick oats, veggies and seasonings. And they are scrumptious!

There's a note in the recipe about the tbsp of wheat gluten in the recipe. The wheat gluten gives some stability to these balls, to keep them from crumbling. But... if you really want to avoid using the wheat gluten for whatever reason, you can do so. Just be even more gentle when you pan fry the balls to keep them in shape. Here they are just before cooking. These are still delicate even with the wheat gluten, so don't think of them like a faux meatball. Think of them as savory, buttery, melt-in-your mouth orbs of deliciousness that should be gently pan-fried and then placed ever so handsomely on top of your pasta and sauce.

These are also protein-rich, which bumps up the nutritional value... and of course, the flavor, imo(oh-so-humble)... of an average pasta meal, especially if you use a whole-grain pasta like kamut or whole wheat.

Speaking of pasta sauce this is my new favorite brand. Whenever Choices has it on sale (like right now!) I stock up. Darn it's good! The acidity of the tomato sauce seems to be better balanced with a sweeter edge, and I think that's why I love it so much. Our kids even like it, and that's a first for "red sauce". I couldn't find a website for the company, though.

....and, what's this on top of my jar? Well, though I'm not the most organized cook, I think this little gadget is one of the coolest, smartest tools to use in your kitchen. How many times have you pulled out your jar of opened pasta sauce and wondered "how long has this been open?". This magnetic timer pops on top of the lid, can be set/reset, and rids you of that 'ewww' factor! I picked them up at a baby store (meant for baby food jars I'm guessing). Two to a package. I'll look for the name and get back to you with it.

Now, for dessert you can try my new Chocolate Orange Cornmeal Cookies. (This is the one recipe that currently is not included when you search by my name.) I posted about these cookies back in the summer. These are a little chewy, and little crunchy (from the cornmeal), and are really, really delicious! You won't believe they are gluten-free... give them a go!

I'll be back again with more details on some of the other recipes. Before I sign off, I have to say that I am ecstatic to see include my vegan recipes on their site. If you are too, why don't you send a quick comment. I would love to create more recipes for, and they are more likely to sign me on to develop more vegan recipes if they receive positive feedback. So, link through, scroll down and "tell 'em what you want, what you really, really want."

(you can thank me later for leaving you with that Spice Girls lyric for the rest of your day)

*Note that the yields may not be correct on some dishes. I have e-mailed a couple of edits to, but I noticed another error (ex: Walnut-Pecan Balls should yield 25-30, not 4!... and the cookies above should yield about 12-16, not 8).


Michelle said...

mmm, we just had the mexican bean soup... so good! (minus the cilantro, of course ;) LOL). ellia says she loves her dreena recipes, and wants to know how you can think of so many good ones!

the kids and i made both the salba banana muffins and the pumpkin oat muffins yesterday, both were a hit! i think i'll be making that chocolate raspberry coconut tart for valentine's day.

also emailed the food network ;)

The Little Mama said...

Oh my goodness! I can't wait to try these! They look lovely.
All these new recipes...When do you sleep!? ;)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on getting on Food Network! That timer thing that's on your jar - my roommate gave me a couple of those for Christmas because I'm always paranoid about how old food is. :-)

Anonymous said...

YAY Dreena! I am so excited for you.

You should know that when leaving a message for Food Network, it asks you what province you are from (and won't let you submit your message until you choose one). I just selected one and then in the message said I am in the US, but am a frequent reader of their website...

Anonymous said...

I left a message on Food Network. Looking forward to trying the "meatballs". They look so good.

I made the Sweet and Sour Chipotle Tempeh and Sweet Potatoes last night for a friend. She's never had tempeh before or a sweet potato! She loved both. On the menu tomorrow evening is the Coconut-Lime Basmati Rice, sauteed kale and the Orange Sesame Tofu.

Wishing you much success,
The Veggie Vixen

aimee said... are a kitchen goddess! I'm so thankful for your amazing talent and your willingness to share so much of what you do! Thanks for more wonderful recipes!

Michelle.S said...

New recipes! Woo hoo! Thanks Dreena, I can't wait to try the "meatballs"... I just tried to make some rice/ veggie balls the other day and they were mediocre. I knew i needed a Dreena recipe. :-)

Will leave a message on the Food network now...

eesh said...

I love your blog! Congratulations on the Food Network!

Those "meat balls' look scrumptious!! I cannot wait to try them! Ahh!!

Anonymous said...

Finally some great vegan recipes on foodtv! They all look so good.

Anonymous said...

Kitchen goddess? Why YES you are!!!! Just printed them all out and can't wait to try. Thank You so much!

julie hasson said...

Congratulations on the recipes Dreena. They look delish, and how cool that Food tv is adding vegan recipes to their site.

Those nutballs look great!

Anonymous said...

Congrats's very cool that you have your recipes up at Food TV.

Now, when are they giving your your own cooking show?

Judy said...

Wow, those little balls look so tasty, I will have to try them. And cornmeal cookies? I am intrigued.

Congrats on the Food network gig, that is a pretty big deal.

Carrie™ said...

"orbs of deliciousness" That is the best description ever! LOL!! Tell me what you want, what you really really want. Grrr! It is stuck in my head. Thanks a lot. I'm all excited about the orange chocolate cookies. Chocolate and orange together are one of my favorite combos. Tell me what you want, what you really really want. I'm going to go leave positive feed back in hopes of more vegan recipes on the Food Network site. Hmmm....could we even ever hope to see a veg*n cooking show??

bazu said...

Congratulations, Dreena! That is a huge number of recipes you got there- I went to the food network site and was impressed with the sheer number. Those cookies sound so excellent- chocolate/orange is one of my favorite combinations.

Sheree' said...

Awesome! I can't wait to try some of these recipes. I already went over and took a peek. The walnut pecan balls are first on my list. :o)

urban vegan said...

Congrats on the Food Network recipes, Dreena! Those WP balls are making me drool.

Anonymous said...

Can you tell me a bit more about Salba which is called for in your banana muffin recipe/
i almost bought some at Planet organic herein Victoria but 15.99 for a small bag gave me pause to think!

Convince me I need to try this stuff! :-)

Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

wow, so many new recipes! congrats on the foodnetwork, dreena, your popularity continues to grow! i'm mad crazy for your tamari roasted chickpeas - currently obsessed using coconut oil & lime juice. and i gotta get my hands on a jar timer...

Anonymous said...

OMG buddy wat a wonderful post!!!!Ohhh this looks absolutely fabulous ,i can't wait to try these..U have done nice piece of work.
Thanks a lot buddy for sharing with us.
keep up the gud work.

Robin_upto_nogood said...

I am so pleased with all of your recipes. I love cassaroles and beans and rice recipes, I know you have some recipes in your books that meet with what I am looking for. But I have all three books and can't seem to make up my mind what I want to try next. Even still I am having a great time and my vegan tendencies are surging forward!! My co-workers tell people I am vegan. I just tell them I am trying and its getting more and more natural. Thanks for the recipes!!! Glad to see you are showing up everywhere!


Dreena said...

Thanks all for your notes, congrats, and support, xo...

anonymous, Salba is expensive, but a little goes a long way for use in smoothies, sprinkling on cereal, yogurts, etc. You can use the ground or whole, and I have a lot of info about Salba in an earlier post, here: This will give you the details you are looking for I think, plus the link to the Salba website. As someone noted in the comments, you are better off buying true Salba rather than 'chia' seeds. Salba is tasteless, and very "clean". Feedback on chia is that might not always be the case. This is a 'super food', full of protein, calcium, essential fatty acids, and more. Worth the price, and good to use every day if you can. Have a read...!

...and Megan and Carrie, from your lips to Food Network's ears! :)

Danielle D. said...

Dreena, Could you recommend a gluten free substitute for the oat flour in the Walnut Pecan Balls?


Anonymous said...

These walnut pecan balls are awesome!!! I can't stop eating them!!

Anonymous said...

I prepare salba banana muffins last week, and my roommate stayed fascinated, I like the recipe of this kind of dessert because is tastier and faster than another ones. Inclusive he is gonna
buy viagra today afternoon, and probably is gonna buy the recipe's ingredients to prepare it again.