Where have I been?! I know, I've been absent... I've simply been swamped with several things, including a recital for our daughter and my mom visiting. Juggling, juggling...

These are a new recipe, and a new favorite for our family.
Maple Sugar Snickerdoodles. They are
cinnamony-sugar sweet and crispy on the outside, and just tender and soft enough on the inside. The maple flavor is delicate and not overpowering - it's just the sugar on the outside hinting at maple flavor, there's no maple syrup in the batter itself.

Here they are fresh out of the oven on the baking sheet (lined with parchment). Don't you love the patterns that naturally develop through baking? So pretty! (
btw, did you know that
Snickerdoodles are not well known in Canada? I had never heard of them until about six or so years ago!)

We had a few batches of
Snickerdoodles cycling through the house a few weeks ago. Since then, I've also made some treats from my books to munch on while mom's visiting... including
Supercharge Me! Cookies from
ed&bv. I've
posted about these before, and these are really one healthy cookie in a delicious disguise! Truly, you won't believe they are sweetened
only with maple syrup, include almond butter, and also 1/3 cup of flax meal! Yes, they do... BUT you won't believe it! This time, you can see I made them smaller for more bite-sized treats, so I baked them for less time - about 12
mins. I also didn't form them, simply dropped on the parchment. They taste the same, but I prefer them a little larger as per the recipe (and
the previous post). These are so easy, tasty, and healthy...
Make them for your mom on Mother's Day!! You have time... go get to it!
Happy Mom's Day everyone, hope you are gifted with love and delicious vegan treats.
Oooh, snickerdoodles!! I've missed that type of cookie since becoming a vegan, for sure; and I love the super-charge-me cookies, of course! :0)
Happy Mother's Day to my "vegan surrogate mom" ;0)
Happy Mother's Day to you, Dreena!
My hubby made me crepes (from ED&BV) stuffed with Celestial Cream, blueberries and raspberries. I'm a lucky gal! (The crepes were great,btw... and the celestial cream is always lovely!)
Hi. I am new to your site. I love the idea of both these cookies, but do not see recipes. Could you please send me the recipes? Especially the snickerdoodles? My daughter and I are allergic to dairy and eggs, so we are always looking for new ways to enjoy some sweets. Thanks so much.
Wow Dreena, are you ever NOT creating recipes??
These cookies look fantastic. I make snickerdoodles every Christmas, and they are a favourite all around. I will definitely try these ones - and likely before next Christmas!
I love snickerdoodles... they've been lurking in the back of my mind for some time now. I'll have to wait for your next cookbook!
Also, I love your supercharge cookies. Deeelish!
I love snickerdoodles and I'm sure maple syrup does wonderfully with the cinnamon sugar- yum!
Hope you have a great Mother's Day!
i made your super-charge me cookies the other week, and let a non-vegan friend try one. she really liked it, and it was her first vegan baked good experience! :)
your cookies are one of the dearest things to my heart, and i will be ecstatic the second you post/publish the maple sugar snickerdoodles recipe. they sound divine - i'm addicted to the maple flavor!
Happy Momma's Day, Dreena!
My mom and grandma feasted on ED&BV crepes with Celestial Cream. They LOVED every bite. [So did I!!]I had to make two batches because my little brother and grandpa loved them also!
Thanks for another great recipe :]
nice blog...
Snickerdoodles seem to be the best cookie to please everyone! Not only are they cute and easy to eat, but the sweet flavor is not too chocolately, too nutty, too coconutty, etc. so that everyone can enjoy it! These look beautiful. Happy Belated Mother's Day!
I bought EDBV about a month ago and have been cooking up a STORM ever since!! Almost every recipe has been a success! And we LOVE super charge me cookies - the small amount of chocolate chips goes a long way:) Can't wait to try out the snickerdoodles! About parchment paper - any concern about dioxins? I switched to the Chef's Secret brand (from Whole Foods) which is brown coloured but am still a bit concerned. And sad because thanks to you I now ADORE using parchment paper. Just wondering what your take on this is. Thanks!
They look phenomenal, Dreena. You know I love all your recipes. but I'd say you have an esp. incredible talent for baked goods. So when is your baking cookbook coming out? ;)
I made the Fudgy Brownies from VLV for Mom's day. Needless to say, they were inhaled. See my blog if you want to see photos.
Hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day! I'm sure you're little lassies spoiled you.
In an attempt to get my family to eat healthier and promote veganism/vegetarianism among them I suggested my family go to dinner at Blossom, a really good vegan restaurant here in NYC. At first they were a little wary ("Seitan? What's seitan?" they asked nervously), but got over it as soon as the food was presented to the table. My mom is dying to go back and commented, "Hm, if vegan is this good, maybe I should try it."
I first heard of snickerdoodles about 15 years ago, but that was in Good Housekeeping or some such magazine. I've made them a couple of times and thought they were good enough....but now you've got me REALLY interested. Maple you say? Oh, be still my heart. I love the stuff.
I remember years ago, my dad did some film work for a documentary about maple syrup in NB. It showed knowing when the trees were ready, tapping them, boiling down the syrup, the time consuming process that it is. Anyway, one of the farms that was showcased in the film GAVE him 3 cases of maple syrup! Oh, I was in heaven! Jim, who is Canadian-born, doesn't like maple. Imagine! That's OK; more maple snickerdoodles for me.
Ummmm, BTW, will there be a recipe posted or are you teasing us about an new cookbook??
Hi, Dreena.
I'm fairly new to both your books and blogs and stumbled upon an old post about rooi-bopiscles. With summer on the way, I was looking forward to making some sort of frozen treat and these sound ace! Was there a follow-up recipe?
Thanks, and have a great Victoria Day weekend!
Maple Sugar Snickerdoodles, yum! They look awesome.
Those snickerdoodles look absodoodley delicious!
I love snickerdoodles, but have yet to find a vegan recipe! Ever since I've tried your Homestyle Chocolate Chip Cookies, I can't get enough of them! Can't wait to try the snickerdoodle recipe. Is it going to be in your new cookbook?
hiya guys, I'm slowly catching up on things, so pls bear with my slow replies on my blog and e-mail. Thanks as always for all of your sweet notes. :)
Jill, some of my recipes can be found on a link on the sidebar of my blog. Scroll down on the right to "Dreena's Sample Recipes". There are recipes there from all of my cookbooks. Also, at the very top right of my blog is a link to a 21 of my recipes that are posted on the foodtv.ca website. The Snickerdoodle recipe is not yet posted, but you'll find lots of sweets in these links. (be sure to search through the archives on my Sample Recipes blog).
Judy, no, I'm always creating something!! (just don't have time to get it all transcribed in the computer)!
Eva, thank you, that is most lovely to hear. I've recently switched to the unbleached as well, though I know there are times that I will reach for the white parchment paper in a pinch because it's simply more available in stores everywhere (and too bad it's not the same price). My limited knowledge about parchment is that it is safe to use, and that the unbleached variety is better since the white paper (may) contain dioxin. I have also recently purchased some clay baking trays from Pampered Chef. I understand that they can be used for everything from cookies to roasting veggies. I'd like to move away from parchment for a lot of my baking/cooking (not everything, but for some of it), just to save money on parchment and also to avoid the waste of the paper. If these baking trays work nicely and without sticking, etc, I'll be sure to let you all know! silicone baking mats (ie 'Silpat') is also an option... I've just never gotten past baking in/on silicone (it's odd to me) - may need to research this more too.
Urban Vegan, you are sweeter than those brownies! I'm honored that you made my brownies for Omniman's mom... I'm sure she felt blessed to have both you and Omniman to enjoy Mother's Day with. Thank you for sharing it on your blog. xo
Carrie, I'd have been stoked too!! Everyone should know and taste pure maple syrup. Imagine those that think maple syrup is the Aunt Jemima stuff?? ugh! We are *very* fortunate to have maple syrup so available in Canada... and though it can be pricey, it's certainly not as much as in other countries. (But, what's the deal with Jim? That's just wrong!)
Julie, oh yes, I had thought about putting that in ed&bv, but changed my mind. It was very simple, almost too much to term a recipe. I might have to double-check my notes way back, but I'm fairly certain I used about 1/2 or 2/3 portion of pure juice to 1/2 or 1/3 of cooled Rooibos tea. I used a flavored Rooibos (I get mine through a local gal, here's the website: http://www.seasideteaco.com) The Ronnefeldt Rooibos Raspberry Vanilla is particularly good! Anyhow, if you mix that proportion, and then taste test, you might want to sweeten for the kidlets a touch more (esp b/c frozen treats don't taste as sweet when frozen as when thawed). You can use a squeeze of agave, or a couple of pinches of stevia. Enjoy!
DJ, love 'absodoodley'!! :)
lengslog, I'm not writing a new cooking, fyi... just working on new recipes. Not sure what my next project will be! Hope to post the recipe for you soon.
Thanks again everyone!!
I haven't had these in ages! They look great, i must say.
cheers from Newfoundland,
Hi Dreena! I just wanted to tell you that I just purchased your new cookbook ED&BV and my very first recipe were these Supercharge Me cookies! They were a hit, even with my husband! I figured out the nutrition on them, and with 2.5 g of fiber per cookie, I am very happy! Thank you for creating recipes that focus on healthy fats and sweetners and, of course, whole grains and organic veggies. While we are not a vegan family, I do cook vegan/vegetarian several times a week and your cookbook will get a lot of use. :)
Mmm, looks so tasty...
I'm generally more of a Homestyle Chocolate Chip cookie kind of gal, but these look amazing! I can't wait to try them. And I agree with you about the Supercharge Me cookies. They were the first thing I made from ed&bv and I've made them more than anything else! My mom, dad, and husband all love them!
I am new to this site and so happy to discover the vegan snickerdoodles here made with maple syrup.
Thank you for your flavorful, creative and compassionate treats.
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