And this week is just settling down after a few weeks of getting past cold/flu bugs with the kids... one week there's one virus going around in the school, then the next week it's another, or head lice to avoid. Eeek! It's very stressful when all of those things crop up. One of our girls got a stomach bug about a couple of weeks ago, and then our other daughter picked up a very bad cough a couple of days after. At least they didn't both have the stomach bug... AND, thankfully, thankfully, they have never gotten lice. Any of you moms/dads also dealing with all of this? I read that tea tree oil and lavender oil are naturally offensive to lice, so every morning I brush those oils through our daughters' hair - and then tie up the hair. If it's working, I'll keep doing it! They don't mind, I think the aroma of the lavender balances out the heavy pine notes of the tea tree oil. And then, there's always the laundry, cleaning, lessons, activities, etc, etc, etc!!! I don't always share my mom experiences, but sometimes I know you appreciate hearing that I'm going through some of the same things that you are as moms... so I thought I'd shed some light on why I haven't posted as much lately, and know many of you will understand!
After all that passed (thank goodness), I was able to focus on preparing for my demo at The Wellness Show. I did a baking demo, which was great fun because, well, I love to bake!!... and, also because most of the other demos were by restaurant chefs, and so they featured savory items and entrees. It was time for a sweet, I tell ya! Thanks to those of you that came out to the event, and hopefully you snagged a few samples of the Energy Cookies and Nicer Krispie Squares! (and, another tip for making these squares - if you can't get your paws on macadamia nut butter, raw cashew butter is a wonderful substitute if you can get that. Try Artisana brand of raw cashew butter - brilliant!). And this week brings activities surrounding Valentine's Day!
You're waiting for the food, right? Enough rambling, Dreena, what have you got to show us today? I know, I know... it's what the blog is all about, after all. Well, I'm still in the theme of desserts, so today I have for you...
Triple Chocolate Threat Coconut Macaroons! These are bloody good! I've tweaked the recipe a few times over - even after thinking I'd finished them - simply because they can be delicate as they are naturally gluten-free. Yep, gluten-free and also no flours used - and nothing like xanthan gum or other stabilizers to bind. But, now I have the final version (I think!), and they are wickedly delicious. They have a crunchy textured outside and a softer centre, and of course full of deep chocolate decadence.
Next time I post, I think I'll switch to savory for you. Maybe...
mmmm I love raspberries and chocolate....never had it with coconut too, sure to be delish!
Both sweets look delicious.
As for the lice, my stomach always drops when I receive a notice that someone in The Pea's class has a case of lice. However, I appreciate that it's not the scandal it once was like when I was growing up. Lots of pointing fingers of who spread it and why. That being said, I use Fairy Tales line of products (shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner [for days that I don't wash hair]and gel). You can buy the products online and so far, so good.
I should mention that Fairy Tales uses tea tree oil but also rose oil of some kind. It's not diluted like some of the products on the market.
No, I'm not being paid by them. :-)
In your title: TRIPE!!!!!! Chocolate Threat Coconut Macaroons
Dreena I love your cookbook EDBV; One of my favourites the brocolli cashew teriyaki tofu stir fry which I made many times.
Best wishes. Maria
omg... holy good god.. WOW... I need those cookies
never tried chocolate macaroons! look delish!
Those both look delicious!
Glad to hear everyone is feeling better! More time for you to create delicious recipes :)
Aw, I'm sorry the girls are facing some health problems, like bugs and lice at school! I've only gotten it once when I was 5, and yes, it was dreadful! Thankfully we went to a really $ "nit-picker" who removed it successfully and gave us "natural shampoo", I think it actually contained relaxing smells like tea tree oil? Next time one of your daughters feels blue, make them a piping hot bowl of vegan soup, cause I know that always lifts my spirits when I am ill! (whic is very rarely, thankfully!) Amazing dessert, baking is definatly a way I like to spend spare time on my weekends! Hope to see more posts soon! :D
And those macaroons will be in your next cookbook...?
They look delicious!
Hi Dreena, I am writing just to let you know that I love your blog.I am from Brazil, I 've bought your 2 first books when I lived in Vancouver 2 years ago. I am a vegetarian, not vegan yet although I could try the vegan diet when I lived there, it is much easier than here, because you have a bunch of vegan products there, however I always try to cook some vegan food in my house and I hope to become vegan again. I love the delicious photos you post here. All the best Andrea
Hi Dreena! Haven't written in a while. I am sitting here this morning after making your Vanilla Cake from EDVB. Cooper has a party for Valentine's Day at his school and of course there is nothing he can have with his allergies. So I usually bring cupcakes but I am too lasy this am so cake it is. I have fallen from the vegan wagon a bit but I am getting back on track with your books as a good source and your emails to me with lots of ideas. I always feel so much better when I am on a vegan diet so why don't I just stay there? I am not sure. But I am a great fan! I will be around to see what is in this new cookbook! And I hope your girls stay well.
Vegnextdoor, I KNOW... whenever a notice comes home, I feel my stress level rise!! I've never heard/seen that shampoo - will keep an eye out for it. (and maybe you *should* be a spokesperson for them) :)
Thanks for the correction, Maria... my brain was rather fried by the time I spell-checked yesterday!
Hi Sanja, yes they will!!
Andrea, nice to hear from you, and keep up the good work and finding ways to eat vegan wherever you can. Hopefully you'll find some easy solutions that will take you the whole way with eating vegan... I appreciate your kind words. Good luck!
Robin, nice to hear from you again. I'm with you about cupcakes - I'd much rather do a cake than cupcakes - the decorating is too tedious for me, and I get impatient finishing them! Keep with it... slip-ups may happen, the important thing is sticking with it long-term, so don't beat yourself up.
Thanks to you all for the comments!!
I worked for a teacher in a school that was continually having lice cases. She had worked there for close to 30 years and swore by tea tree oil. She put several drops of the oil in her shampoo and had never had a case of lice. I did the same while I worked there and had the same result. Oh, and on to something nicer....those macaroons look delicious. I love ED&BV...I've made so many recipes from there. I can't wait for the new book!
Dreena, I'm soooo pysched for your fourth cookbook to come out! Thanks so much for your last note to me about spelt v. wheat flour in baking - very helpful! I just made your super charge me cookies yesterday and LOVE them! I had two for breakfast, hehe :) These macaroons look positively amazing.
Great looking macaroons! Coconut & can you go wrong?
Wow, those macaroons look soooo good!! I'm always amazed by your ideas :)
Wow! Those cookies look delicious. I am surprised to hear they are gluten free, that is great.
And that torte....chocolate...raspberries...mmmm!
Oh! Good thing I'm on a sugar-free kick! Those look amazing!
Macaroons!!! especially made with chocolate! My husband loves coconut macaraoons, so I hope you will post the recipe or put in your next book.
I think you should post about (and definitely try) Brooklyn Fudge's Double Dutch Fudge because it is vegan and sooo good! It tastes like the best brownie never baked!
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