I thought I'd let you know about this e-mail program, because it seems practical and informative for folks who want to transition to a healthful vegan diet, but maybe need a little extra motivation and assistance beyond the blogging world and recipes.
Brendan developed this program, based on his book, The Thrive Diet. If you sign up for the program, you'll receive 12 emails over a month, each covering a different key health topic (ex: "alkaline vs acid - why your body's ph matters"). Each lesson also includes a brief video segment where Brazier reviews key principles and provides suggestions on how to apply the ideas.
If you're interested, check out the Thrive in 30 website. There's a quick video you can view, and then an easy sign-up on the home page.
Also, as a side note, a month or two ago I listened to Dr. Melissa West's interview with Brendan. I quite enjoyed it, so if you'd like to to have a listen yourself, click through (and scroll down a tad).
I'll be back with food very soon, and after this post I'm thinking it ought to be something very nourishing and healthy! :)
Thanks Dreena, I've never heard of him before, but I look forward to checking him out.
Aren't you due to have your baby soon? I wish you the best with that!
I really enjoyed the Thrive diet book and will have to check this one out. I'm a huge fan of Brendan Brazier (especially his Vega Protein powder!).
Thanks for the info Dreena!
Thanks Dreena, this sounds great, I will post it up!
You're wecome, guys! :)
I just signed up! Thanks Dreena!
Brenden Braiser is such an inspiring athlete!
Looking forward to your next (nourishing!) post! :-)
I hate to be negative but his protein powder is very expensive and the berry flavor was the worst thing I ever tasted. So beware before you buy, maybe buy the small packets before you invest. Good luck!
BTW I just noticed nadia's post so I guess tastes do vary.
I LOVE Brendan Brazier... Thrive Fitness and Thrive Diet are staples on my shelf and in my kitchen. Funny you posted that because on the vega blog they were asking about favorite vegan cookbooks and I added ED&BV. I'm sadly awaiting my last lesson from "Thrive in 30"... I had looked forward to my lessons every few days. Good luck everyone! Oh and for those who really like what BB is about, he is speaking in Vancouver on May 25th.
Dreena, best wishes with the baby coming!
Dont vegan babies suffer from failure to thrive? Why put your childs health at risk for your political views? Seems pretty evil/selfish to me.
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