So, I'm still nursing babe during the night (she's approaching 9 months). The last week or so, it's usually just once, but the odd night it's two times. I'm okay with it, most nights I get back to sleep lickety-split, so it's good. But, some nights I wake
starving. Ok, not starving by
actual definition. But, ridiculously hungry. No doubt the pace I keep every day (go, go, go) plus nursing through the day and in the night (and yesterday I felt entirely
'mommied out' after the weekend). Catches up. Last night I was nursing her around 2 am, and all I could think about was getting to the kitchen for a snack. Didn't know what I wanted exactly, but I knew the cool rice milk sitting in the fridge would be part of the equation. I thought about a
, but wasn't in the mood for that. Wanted something carb-y or just something different. I pulled out some
Oaty Bites
cereal, and tossed that into the rice milk. I'm not much of a cereal person. The kids and hubby love it, but I never eat it in the morning. Never sits well in my stomach, and I just feel sort of blah after eating it. This wasn't too much of a concern since I was going back to bed, and figured I didn't need to be 'energized'! I ate it, it was okay. But just confirmed that yeah, I'm not much of a cereal person. I used to be, but not anymore.

Back in bed I thought about this
Pumpkin Pie Custard. Now, that would have hit the spot last night. I came up with the recipe just before Christmas. They are easy to make, and don't include any soy products or tofu, just fyi. Blend all the ingredients in (you guessed it, the
), and then bake in ramekins in a hot water bath. These custards are magical. Creamy, luscious, and perfect for a dinner party. Or a nursing mom at 2 am.
Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic disease will support health across the board. (Principle #7,
The China Study
I'm looking forward to the recipe. I purchased ramekins right before Christmas and haven't used them yet.
Looks so luscious. Hopefully, those 2am feedings will start to ebb soon :)
Stefania, I just got ramekins too! Wanted them for a while, and picked some up around Nov. If you want to test out the recipe, I'd be happy to e-mail it to you!
Urban vegan, whose feedings - babe's... or mine?!! ;)
Wow -are those gluten free? I'm still a nursing mom, does that qualify me for recipe testing?!
Dreena, I would love the recipe. Thank you so much!
By the way, I was at a dinner party last night where I brought the pecan-walnut balls. They were such a hit and I had to share the recipe. The comments were flavourful and savoury.
The pumpkin pie custard sounds great. Did you make it with fresh or canned pumpkin? I look forward to seeing the recipe :)
Ooh, you are such a tease! Looks delish!
Can't wait to see that recipe. I vividly remember the nursing days. Seems like food was always on my mind and I never gained a bit of weight. Sigh...I miss those days. ;-)
Michelle, certainly you can test it out - nursing not required. ;) I'll get my act together in the next couple of days and get it e-mailed to you.
This looks so simple and tasty! I wake up and can be super starving too so I know how it is :)
Oh, Dreena, I would very much like to try that recipe, it looks wonderful! I very much miss custard since becoming vegan... I think your recipe would help! Sometimes, you know, it's torture to see your recipe photos but no recipe...
Oh my this looks absolutely wonderful! I used to be a vegan, I really want to get back to it. Love your blog!
Very much looking forward to this recipe. I purchased a BUNCH of ramekins to try a vegan creme brulee. It was a disaster. Maybe I can redeem myself with this :-)
Wow! Gluten-free? This is wonderful! I like to make some for myself when I have my time.
dining room table
How do people get the recipes for all this beautiful food you post about?
Happily vegan, Amy
Amy D, some of my recipes I have linked on my recipes page. Go to the rhs of my blog and click through (I just added a new link at the top, b/c I don't think it was very visible before). My recipes blog has sample recipes from my three cookbooks, as well as some of my new stuff. As for all the new stuff, I can't say when for certain the 4th book will be out - but I'm working on it, really trying to plow through some recipes every day. :)
Also, my true/slant articles have some recipes embedded. You can visit my page at: http://www.trueslant.com/dreenaburton
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