Thursday, March 02, 2006

Vegan Ice-Cream Pie

As with last week's post on the pudding cups, this dessert is a cinch to prepare. Plus, it can be made WAY in advance and stored in your freezer until your dinner party or potluck or your night with some movies! :)

Tp make this you need:

1) Prepared pie crust. You can make your own, and I have a couple of recipes in TEV and Vive for doing so (see below note). However, for convenience and no prep or cleaning, pick up a prepared vegan pie crust. I like to use Wholly Wholesome's graham or chocolate pie crusts (pictured is the graham crust). I've mentioned Wholly Wholesome's products in two posts before, I think they have some terrific vegan options.

2) Quart of non-dairy ice-cream. I like to use Soy Delicious, and you can use any flavor. I have used Creamy Vanilla in this pie, and have stirred in about 1/2 tsp. freshly grated nutmeg.

3) Some toppings, and these are optional. For this pie I sprinkled on some crushed toasted pecans and carob chips.

To assemble, first bake the pie crust just a little while softening your ice-cream. I baked it at 350 for about 10-12 minutes. Put your quart of ice-cream in the fridge to slowly and evenly soften, for about 1/2 hour or more. Once your pie crust is cooled and the ice-cream is softened, you simply scoop the ice-cream into the shell and gently smooth it out. If the crust cracks - don't panic! Mine did too! But, once you refreeze the pie, the ice-cream will reset it and no one will notice! Then, sprinkle on your toppings and put your pie into the freezer to set.

Cooking Notes:
1) If using the nutmeg, first transfer your ice-cream to a bowl to stir the nutmeg through.
2) The Wholly Wholesome pie crust comes with an inverted cover. So once your pie is assembled, you can invert the cover to protect the pie in the freezer.
3) For other ice-cream pie ideas, see Why Deny? Ice-Cream Pie, p.198 of TEV, or Cashew-Chocolate Crumb Ice-Cream Pie, p. 120 of Vive.


Julie said...

Dreena, you're killing me over here w/ all of these simple and yummy looking desserts! hehe

Seriously, though--it looks fantastic! :)

Eat Peace Please said...

Can I please come over NOW!?!

This is the most amazing thing ever. Oh how I wish the screen was a scratch-n-sniff.

SDGvegan said...

I think I need to get an ice cream maker so I can make myself coconut milk ice cream. I can no longer eat soy :( Mmmmm coconut ice cream pie!

Eat Peace Please said...

That's the idea I was going for Chris. Right on.

(I'm back here because I had to look at this amazing pie one more time, and certainly not the last!)

Dreena said...

As I've said before, Julie, I'm a bit of a "pusher" when it comes to desserts and cookies! :) Come on, try some, you know you'll like it...! sorry, just had to say that.

Thanks Leslie! I'm have a feeling you will come up with your own version with yummy extras...?

Thanks Chris! It was really good, and I'm glad it was so quick to make. We had it with guests and it was polished off fast!

Oh, sdgvegan, coconut ice-cream would be divine!! I did have some coconut sorbet once by Double Rainbow - VERY good, but I'm not sure if it is soy-free. You could also use Rice Dream quarts, if you like their ice-creams. They certainly have a different taste than the soy ice-creams, but sometimes I like them because they are lighter and more sorbet-like.

You're funny, Leslie... should I send you the pic by e-mail??! ha!

Harmonia said...

OH GOOD GOD! What is this? Heaven!


Just checkin in and going thru comments!

sarchan said...

Oh goodness! That looks so good. Have been craving Green & Black's chocolate/Soy Delicious/Tofutti all day. (I have none of these things in my pantry/freezer.) Does your family get to eat all these fabulous desserts? I'm envious

Eat Peace Please said...

An email photo is not necessary Dreena, but thank you! This is plenty of goodness and when you enlarge the photo, well,... I'm just speechless!

Your feelings are right about my own version, but I have 2 cones left (one for Ray and I) and always have ice cream stocked in the house so I'm not worried about that part. I do need some pre-baked somethings though (you know, the oven-thing). You'll know when you see it.

Flo @ Yielded Heart said...

All I can say is- WOW!
Oh, and- YUM!

jess (of Get Sconed!) said...

Dreena, you're rocking my world!

Dreena said...

Hi Sarchan, well yeah, we get to eat the goodies - though I have to say that hubby eats the majority of it! :) This pie we shared with guests, so no leftovers to tempt us! Ok, you need to get a few treats now for your freezer/pantry!

Leslie, you could probably even make this pie without prebaking the graham crust. I mean, the crust gets a little more toasty flavor with some baking, but if you just used it as is, I think it would still be okay. Just trying to help your oven dilemna...!

Thanks, kaivegan, those are good words to hear!

Funny, Preston... I think we're all a pretty cute veggie-eating bunch, have you seen all these avatars?!!... must be those anti-oxidant rich veggies! :)

Well, thanks, Jess!!

Harmonia said...

Hi! Just posted a new concept for my blog (in addition to my other posts of course) could use your suggestions and feedback when you have time.

Dreena said...

Hi Harmonia, I'll be by soon... I a wee bit behind on things today! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dreena,
Saw this and immediately thought, "she has to make the Chocolate Truffle Pie!" It is a dessert pie that I have made for all my unsuspecting meat-loving friends, in-laws, co-workers and even bosses! They rave about it and I just love telling them it has tofu in it (a whole box of the shelf kind!). The recipe came from the Vegetarian Times magazine (but it's a vegan recipe) -issue Oct. 2005. BTW- it has chocolate chips in it- but I thought that since chocolate contains milk, chocolate chips are not vegan?

Dreena said...

Hi Christine! I think I may have seen this somewhere... I don't subscribe to VT, but I think I saw it once leafing through the magazine in an office! A lot of dark chocolate is vegan, but some that are labelled 'dark' still have milk ingredients, so you need to check the labels. For more info on chocolate, please link to my article on chocolate in the "Cooking With Dreena" link on my homepage! If you would like more info on specific brands of vegan chocolate - let me know!

Vegiegail said...

This recipe sounds incredible, and I can't wait to try it! I LOVE So Delicious Dairy Free ice cream. It's my favorite! Did you know that you can get coupons for this ice cream, too?