Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Presenting: The Cake Condom

This photo is courtesy of a dear friend of mine. It was her son's birthday recently, and she told me about the "cake condom" she made for her Triple Layer Chocolate Cream Cake. Initially, she used it to cover the cake so she could add the CARS stickers you see (her boy is a huge fan).

But, she went on to explain the hidden bonus of the plastic wrap covering... I cracked up when we talked over the phone about this, and so I asked her for the photo to share it with you.

All of us parents know the scene:
We have this delicious cake made for our child's birthday... and we get the candles lit, and as we are getting excited about having a piece of that cake too, we see not only our child blow spittles all over the cake, but, we see a crowd of other kidlets join in on the birthday cake spray. Yum. yum.

While I know most of us won't be covering our beautifully frosted cakes with plastic wrap, wouldn't it be nice to have a way to not share the spittles?! I mean, as parents, it's not uncommon to eat after our own children, and admittedly we have ingested a fair amount of our kids' backwash and partly chewed food (ie a chip that's been licked and returned to a chip bowl - ewww! - and leftovers they kindly 'give' to us). But, whenever we have these birthday parties, we know we are sharing not just the cake, but the "blow-out-your-candles"spit spray from all the kidlets joining in. Not so appetizing!

Yes, practice safe sweets. :)


The Little Mama said...

Oh my goodness, this made me laugh! Hahaha!!!! So true about the kid spit (...and leftover, and spitty "gifts"). Ahh....what a bright way to start my morning. Thanks for the laugh, Dreena!

David said...

That's funny -- but how would you get the plastic off without all the icing sticking to it?? Seems like it would mess up the cake quite a bit, no?

Dreena said...

Vegmomma, that's what it was meant to do... happy to give you a chuckle today! :)

David, yes, this is not a tip for those avid cake decorators out there! :) My friend did it mainly as a way to put the stickers on the cake for her boy - but then realized... ah-ha! So, it's not really a serious bakig tip today (though I'd be the first to scrape all that messed up icing off the plastic wrap, I'm all about the icing!)

Anonymous said...

So you're not trying to stop your cake from reproducing? I say "no" to birth control for cakes--the more cakes, the better.

Dreena said...

Ha! I like you Joanne. My kinda' girl!!

Anonymous said...

Okay, now I have heard of everything!

Melissa said...

that's too funny. A cute idea to get those stickers on though.

urban vegan said...

That's just too funny. said...

that is hilarious! this is why we do cupcakes for birthdays! LOL

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Dreena, you totally just made me laugh out loud with this post - too hilarious!! But in all seriousness, your friend IS rather clever for coming up with the "cake condom" idea :0)

Matt and Bobbie said...

Funny, but pure genious! I don't have kids, and honestly never thought about the spit getting on the birthday cake, but this is just hilarious!

Billy said...

Haha, wow, never thought of that. I wasn't concerned about spit on cake until now. Thanks a lot. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dreena,

You have some wonderful recipes in your new book... the oatmeal cookies and the broccoli, corn, black bean burritos are great. I am very happy that many of your recipes do not require earth balance because of the palm oil. I find it ironic that us vegans try to do the best to preserve the environment, and yet we use earth balance as a butter replacement and it does not come from a sustainalbe palm source. I want to make other vegans aware of this problem so that we can spread the news, and hopefully continue to spread our compassion for our planet. Here is a link with more information... Please check it out, and pass it on to your readers.

