I had the good fortune to sample Xan Confections vegan chocolates recently. While not all of their chocolates are vegan, two of their assortments are: Saintly Sins and Jewels. I received both collections to sample, a 3-piece of Saintly Sins, and a 7-piece of Jewels. These are filled dark chocolates, and not only are they exquisitely beautiful, they taste divine.
Here they were, jewels of chocolate covered caramels, each caramel owning and individual flavor profile. You can see the flavor options here, and I think my favorite was the Coconut Pecan Caramel (pictured sliced)... but there were close runner-ups in that race! The only flavor I didn't care for was the Ancho Chili Caramel. I realize that hitting chocolate with fiery spice is desirable for some, but not for me, and the chili was worked through the caramel filling so it was just too hot on my tongue to enjoy or to even eat. But, others might love that kind of intense heat in their chocolate. Apart from that one caramel, I savored each and every other delicious jewel in the box!
If you are shopping for Xan Chocolates, be sure to note that only their "Lifestyle Chocolates" (the Jewels and Saintly Sins) are vegan. They are also gluten-free and have a low-glycemic index (using agave nectar, not artificial sweeteners).
My only complaint with these chocolates is that I wanted more! (greedy mama, huh?) And, that I'm not able to buy them locally. Xan Chocolates are certainly more expensive than other vegan chocolates, but they are chocolate art - worth splurging on if you want to indulge in some chocolate luxury yourself, or perhaps buy exceptional chocolates for someone you love. We all deserve that kind of chocolate loving once in a while. ;)
Those are gorgeous. Lucky you!
Mm, yes Please!
These are too pretty to eat!
I'm jealous!!
Mmmmmm, oh my gosh, they sound divine <3
These look great!
Sooo pretty. Must taste wonderful.
They all look and sound soooo good!
Oh man! I'm vegan! I love chocolate! And I think that I'm past the deadline for entry. But please! A chocolate exception for a desperate caramel loving vegan!
Wow, these chocolates look delicious. And I'm the same way about struggling to eat things that are so pretty. At the same time I'm more attracted to pretty foods- I love when restaurants make colorful and beautifully adorned salads.
Ooo, those look great. I want to try them!
These are amazing. I'm so glad to have discovered them. But when I went to their site it doesn't seem to be working. I hope they change that soon! I wanted to order later in September.
I found them for sale on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_0_5?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=xan+confections&sprefix=xan+c
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