Well, your votes are my recipe command! So you may now find the "Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip recipe here on my recipe blog. And boy, I hope it lives up to your expectations after this huge vote swing! Really, I'm a tad nervous how this dip will fare with you all... so let me know once you've tried it out. Be sure to check out the notes in the recipe - there are options for add-in's (and with the salsa, I think this version has the closest likeness to the 'velveeta/salsa' combination) - and also, there is an option to include nutritional yeast, which will give that extra cheesy (but particularly noochy) flavor that I know some of you can't get enough of.
I won't leave my 'sweet' friends with nothing. Can't do that to you. So, I will also post the recipe for the Chocolate Thrill Ice Cream (one of the dessert leaders!) in the next week - will update you once it's posted!
Enjoy folks! :)
This recipe sounds really good and I can't wait to try it (gotta get some tortilla chips first!)
I was pulling for a dessert to win, so I'm glad you'll be sharing the ice cream recipe next.
looks so divine!!
I would have been happy with any of the recipes! This one looks amazing, and I look forward to the ice cream.
I don't even remember what I voted for, but I'm happy with the "cheese". And I would never turn down a dessert recipe!
i'm right here! more cupcakes please.
I was tossed between the ice cream and the dip but picked the ice cream. Now I get both SOOOOO HAPPPPYYYYY!
Thank You!
It is rainy today so maybe me and the little one will make this this after noon. If she helps make it she will normally eat it. we'll let you know
Thanks so much for posting this recipe! Even though I voted for one of the sweet recipes, I am going to enjoy this with salsa & chips during my movie marathon this weekend.
I am looking forward to the ice cream recipe.
Oh yum, that looks great!
Thanks...this is the one I was hoping for. I did try it (well, with what I had on hand) and I am going to list what I did and what I think about it (you asked!).
I only had dry roasted (unsalted) cashews and pine nuts, so that is what I used. I didn't have apple cider vinegar so I used rice vinegar and I didn't have arrowroot so I used cornstarch. I am keeping away from the nightshade family, so I omitted the paprika...and I didn't have turmeric...and since you said it was just for color I omitted it. So I guess that is kind of a lot of changes...haha.
For me personally, the result was a bit too vinegar-y, but I did like it. I split it in half and added 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast to it. I personally didn't care for that version...a little too strong. But then I added them both together and liked the end result (so in all I used about half of the nutritional yeast you called for).
My kids wanted a taste, so I gave them some chips dipped in it and they asked for chips...with no dip. Usually they will eat anything, but this may take some getting used to. But I think it is yummy. Thanks!
Thanks for sharing the dip recipe- do you thinkI could use corn strtch for the arrowroot? :-)
I voted sweet, but hey, I'm stoked with any recipe you post!!!
Making this dip tonight. Serving it with chips and some veggies.
Tortilla chips with salsa & cheesy dip sounds delish! YUMYUM! Can't wait for the ice cream recipe either. I think I might get that ice cream attachment. Thanks Dreena!
There were cashews! I was right ;)
we eat variations of nachos all the time - i cant wait to try this!
hiya guys! Glad you're all excited to try it.
CakeJunkie, the changes would make the dip a little different - mostly the roasted cashews will taste different from raw cashews, which are very mild and creamy without a noticeable nutty flavor. The rice vinegar might have given a stronger flavor than the apple cider vinegar as well... and if you used all vinegar instead of lemon juice (I don't think you did this) it would def have an overwhelming vinegar flavor. If you try it again next time with the app cid vinegar, try 1 tsp instead of 2. It's the kind of dip you can play with, adding other ingredients and thinning if you want, etc... so you can add things you and your kiddos like!!
Laci, cornstarch should work just fine!
I'm excited to try this, thank you!
Okay....so I have hit the jackpot! I am the lucky owner of a big bowl of this dip!!! ;-)
I LOVE IT!!!! I certainly haven't been craving a cheese dip, didn't actually consume it when I did eat dairy, BUT, WOW! I love it! I was intrigued when I saw the recipe post, but had no idea how much I would love it! The husband and I had it with some tortilla chips last night, and we saved a bunch to put on burritos tonight! Woo hoo! So yummy, and I'm pretty sure that it tastes just as it should ;-). Thanks Dreena, so so much! You're a doll!
YAY! You ROCK!!!
wooo! so happy this one won. today i poured some over pasta for mac n cheese. delicious!
I am making this tonight for chili cheeze dogs. :) I don't even remember what I voted for anymore, but I know I was torn between this recipe & whatever I chose. I am really happy you shared this with us!
Will report back with my results!
Hi there! I was wondering if the raw cashews are important or if cashew butter could be used. And roughly how much do you think would work for the right consistency? Has anyone tried this recipe using raw almonds?
Oh yum, that looks adorable!
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