A coconut-based (soy-free) rich, Chocolate Thrill Ice Cream with the addition of chocolate sauce and cookie pieces (my favorite cookie choice so far is the Triple Chocolate Threat Coconut Macaroons). (Yes, I realize this photo is hardly magnificent... but, please understand that I snap off photos with a standard digital camera, and usually in between runs to school, preschool, activities, errands... I'm just doin' my best with what I've got as a SAH mom, folks!)
The ice cream maker I use is actually an attachment to my KitchenAid mixer. See, there's my mixer with the ice cream bowl attached! I love how convenient this is!
The consistency of the ice cream after churning is quite soft, much like a soft-serve texture. It's best to pop it in the freezer for a couple of hours to firm just slightly before serving. Best to... but not easy to! I had to keep sampling along the way. :)
This new ice cream is included in the recipe vote, so let's get this thing started! Here are your options...
1) Today's post - Chocolate Thrill Ice Cream
2) "Chocolate Dipped Strawberries" Pie
3) Sweet Potato Basil Quiche
4) Triple Chocolate Threat Coconut Macaroons
5) Sugar-Free Chocolate Cake with Sugar-Free Cashew Frosting
6) Lemony Luscious Almond Cake with Almond-Maple Sauce
7) No-Butter Cream Frosting
8) Whole-Grain Salba Pancakes
9) Chocolate Banana Pudding Cake
10) Dreena's Pecan Pie
11) Lemon-Caper Braised Tempeh
12) Fab Cakes with Smarter Tartar Sauce
13) Maple Sugar Snickerdoodles
14) Dreena's "Fit-tucine" Alfredo
15) "Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip
Ahhhh! We forgot about some of those, huh, like the "Fit-tucine" and the Snickerdoodles?? Well, now's your time to click through for the foodie memories, and then have your say! Which recipe will it be?
Cast your vote in a comment on this post (one entry per person, and anonymous comments are not accepted, sorry - must have a full name or Blogger profile, to be fair to everyone voting). I'll announce the results in an upcoming post. Ok, skedaddle to it!
The ice cream sounds delicious! But my vote is for sugar free chocolate cake with sugar free cashew frosting
I vote the chocolate banana pudding cake (#9)!
I was going to vote no-butter cream frosting but I think the sugar free chocolate cake with sugar free cashew frosting has to win!
My vote is for the cheese dip--vegeveeta all the way!
I'm feeling savoury so I vote fab cakes with smarter tarter (cute name). :)
easyyyy. Chocolate Banana Pudding Cake all the way! my veganversary is coming up in april and THAT is what i want to make to celebrate it!
Wow, this is such a hard decision! What if I volunteer to be a tester for you? For free! Will that get me access to all of your recipes? ;)
I guess I choose the Fit-tucine. It was a close call between that and the cheesy dip, but I already have a lot of cheesy recipes.
I can't wait to try whatever recipe wins since they all sound delicious!
Vegveeta Cheesy Dip!
Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip
sugar free chocolate cake with cashew icing, definitely!
Cheese dip :)
I vote Fab Cakes, but it wasn't easy. A lot of great food here!
Quiche, please!
No matter how many "cheese" recipes I make, there's just something missing...
Yum, they all sound so good! How much longer till your next cookbook...cuz i want to try them all!! It's a tough choice being a sugar-holic, but i'm going with the fab cakes.
Fit-tucine Alfredo!
The Ice Cream for sure!
cheesy dip!!
My vote is TOTALLY for the ice cream. I love the stuff and am not sure what I'm going to do this summer without it!
Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip, although the No-butter cream frosting sounds really good too!
i'm voting for the ice cream!!!!!
AHH so hard to choose! But I'm going with the "Fab" Cakes with Smarter Tartar Sauce.
Anything with coconut calls my name! My vote is for the Triple Threat Coconut Macaroons!
I vote for the Sweet Potato Basil Quiche!
Well loving snickerdoodles and anything maple makes the Maple Snikerdoodles an easy choice. Though everything looks wonderful!
I vote for Veg-veeta...but I think we should get Fit-tucine as a bonus!!!
Oh man, there are too many recipes to choose from! Ummm....I'm going for macaroons. Because I love coconut, and chocolate, and macaroons. Mmmm.
And Kitchen Aid has an ice cream maker attachment? I so need that!
Oh man, choosing just one is TOUGH. I'm going to have to vote for the Fit-tucine Alfredo because it looks so amazingly creamy and delicious.
Will we be seeing all of these recipes in a future cookbook?
Vegveeta cheesy dip!
I have been dreaming about that pecan pie since the day you posted the pic of it. Please please please give us the recipe!!!
This was a tough decision! I think I'm going to go with the Fab Cakes, even though I love every dessert recipe of yours I've ever tried (have you ever thought of doing a dessert cookbook?).
What an incredibly hard decision! But I vote for #7, no butter cream frosting.
I vote for the Vegveeta cheese dip!
This is WAY too hard. I'm hoping they will all be available in a soon-to-be-released future book?
I'm really torn, but I think I have to go with the cheese dip.
sugar free chocolate cake with cashew icing please! We are a sugar free house and this would be great to have.
This is hard! There are too many great looking photos to pick from!
Ok...Vegveeta cheeze dip! The Fab cakes are my second choice (incase your thinking of throwing in a freebie)!
Please give us a hint when your next fabulous cookbook might be coming out!
Too many options! I want to try them ALL! But I'm gonna go with...the sugar free chocolate cake with cashew frosting :) I CANNOT WAIT FOR YOUR NEXT BOOK!
Please share the recipe for your delicious-loooking 'Vegveeta Cheesy Dip'! The other foods look awesome - but, I've hardly had cheese (especially soy-free) that tasted like the dairy version. My husband & I make a mean (really good) cheese sauce... but, it just doesn't taste like dairy cheese. We're fine with that, but our velvetta-loving (thus, non-vegan) friends/family won't get past it - I'd like to "wow" them with your recipe!
I vote for the Whole-Grain Salba Pancakes.
I love that a lot of your recipe's are Wheat Free and Soy Free. I try to avoid both of those.
These pancakes looks fantastic!!
If I can only vote for one then I vote for the "Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip. I volunteer to be a tester.
i vote for the ice cream since summer is coming up and vegan ice cream is so expensive!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Everything sounds FABULOUS!But I am going to have to beg for the cheesy dip. CHEEZE PLEASE!
Chocolate banana pudding pie! I can't think of anything that sounds more delicious than that!
The cheese dip, oh please!
I vote for the macaroons! I love chocolate and coconut :) This was hard...there are so many yummy looking dishes. :)
I vote for
cheese dip--vegeveeta
eventhough I also like the sweetpotatoe cake
It all looks amazing, but I vote for Vegveeta!
Voting for "Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip. Yum, yum, yum!
macaroons please!
I'm voting for the soy-free buttercream frosting.
I'll be happy with whatever wins, because really I want to try them all!
You didn't make it easy for us, with so many tempting recipes! After much hesitation, I decided to vote for the Lemony Luscious Almond Cake with Almond-Maple Sauce - though I'm happy to see that many people have voted for the Vegveeta dip, as I was a bit torn between those two... and many of the other recipes, actually!
Veg-veeta cheese dip!! Let's see it!!
Definitely the Fit-tucine. Sweets are sweets but a healthier version of a not-so-healthy omni food--bring it on!
Vegveeta all the way. That stuff was SO addicting and I miss it!
The vegveeta. No, wait. The macaroons. The ice cream? AHHH! Too difficult! OK. The triple threat macaroons get my vote. I think!
wow, this is so difficult!
I'll have to go for the... maple sugar snickerdoodles. I can never have too many Dreena cookie recipes.
I vote the cheez dip. I can't wait for your new cookbook, Dreena! And my boyfriend may be your biggest fan for getting me into the kitchen to cook your incredible recipes. I plan to be first in line. Any updates on when it will be released?
i can't wait to try them all but for now i vote "fit-uccini alfredo." i've been waiting forever for that recipe!
My initial thought would be butter/soyless butter cream but now I'm interested in the sugar free cake/frosting... I'm wondering if Stevia is involved, hmmm... :)
Hardest vote ever... But, Chocolate Banana Pudding Cake!
I also like sounds of the Vegeveeta Sauce, though... Jeez.
Okay, final answer. #9 - Chocolate Banana Pudding Cake.
Based on my recent mood: Lemony Luscious Almond Cake with Almond-Maple Sauce! Yummy...
Veg-veeta! I want to learn how this is done w/out soy & nutritional yeast...so curious! :)
My vote's gotta be for #7! I HAVE to know how you made a soy-free frosting (especially since finding out I'm mildly intolerant of soy)
No matter which one wins, I can't wait for a new recipe to try!
Tough vote!! Your titles are so tempting & playful! :)
Triple Chocolate Threat Coconut Macaroons
Sugar Free Chocolate care with cashew butter frosting!!
I vote for #1, the chocolate thrill ice cream! It will be perfect now that the weather is wonderful and spring-y!
tough choice between Veg veeta and almond cake..... i'll go for the cheesy one cause i am curious!
First of all I cant wait for the new book so please hurry.
And I am voting for fab cakes please!! Also the pecan pie and the quiche :)
Chocolate Thrill Ice Cream
Chocolate Dipped Strawberry Pie!
it's gotta be the ice cream. because i so want an ice cream maker!
Maple Sugar Snickerdoodles!!! I've been dying for the recipe!
Fit-tucine Alfredo! Looks delicious.
tricky, Dreena - but I love snickerdoodles so they adge out the vegeeta (always looking for a nice cheesy substitute) so snickerdoodle it is
"Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip please!!!!
I thought I knew what I was going to vote for, and then you jam-packed your last post with brilliant recipes. This is such a hard decision but in the end my sweet tooth is taking over my brain and I'm choosing #5. Can't wait to see what wins, because I'm lovin all of it!
I'm voting for ice cream!!!
lemon caper braised tempeh!!
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Pie, please!
My vote is for the Fit-tucine Alfredo. I love pasta.
Fab Cakes with Smarter Tartar Sauce!!!!!!
My vote is for the vegveeta chessy dip.
Dreena's PECAN PIE!!!!!
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries Pie would be my favorite but my family would love the Chocolate Thrill Pie.
I mean Chocolate Thrill Ice cream
I vote for Fab Cakes. They look yummy! 'Course, so does everything else.....
I cast my vote for the Fit-tucine Alfredo. It looks amazing! :)
I vote for #7, the no-butter cream frosting.
Sugar-Free Chocolate Cake with Sugar-Free Cashew Frosting!
After much flip-flopping, Vegveeta dip....but you DO have a new cook book coming out, right? You wouldn't just tease us with all those luscious food photos would you??
Too many choices! Can I have the chocolate ice cream on my sugar free cake with cashew frosting? Okay, okay, I really need to make that cashew frosting!
I vote for Vegveeta -- can't wait for your new book!
vegveeta cheese dip please!
My vote is for the vegeveeta cheese dip/
Too hard! I think I'll have to go with number 7, the no-butter cream frosting. Though I hope I can find the ingredients here in Malaysia! The fit-tucine sounds great, too, and the icecream looks DIVINE.
I love cookies, so my vote is for the Maple Sugar Snickerdoodles.
cheesey dip!
15) "Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip !!!!
Fit-tuccine please! I am not vegan, but I refuse to eat the real stuff and every single thing I have made from your cookbooks has been spot on!
I had just sent off an email to my mom stating how I hate nutritional yeast before I read your post.
I miss cheese sauces awful badly. So I must vote for your "Vegveeta" Cheese Dip.
have a great day!
Vegveeta, please. I make a lot of no dairy, no soy cheese-like sauces, and I always want more.
Vegveeta, pretty please with sprinkles on top .
I'm voting for the ice cream. Even though it's still cold here.
Aren't Kitchen Aid mixers the best? I love mine.
Vegveeta! :D
VEGEVEETA! I, too, melted many a Velveeta nacho dip in my pre-vegan days...
I vote for the Pecan Pie, one of my favorite desserts.
Wow! So hard to choose. I was ready to vote for something chocolate right away, but then looked through the recipes again, and I'm going to pick the Lemon Tempeh. Tempeh is something I've tried to cook & didn't really like - I'm blaming the recipe. Bet I'm going to try it again. My friend got a job posting to Calgary and unloaded a lot of food on me before she left including cakes of tempeh. This would be a perfect chance to use them up!
It's almost impossible to choose but my vote goes to the 'Vegeveeta cheesy dip'.
I need to have this one, "Vegveeta" Cheesy Dip. Although the chocolate pie looks interesting.
sweet potato basil quiche!
am i too late? If not, I vote for the cheesy dip! There's a family recipe that uses Velveeta that I'd love to try & veganize.
I'm definitely voting on the No-Butter Cream Frosting!! I have been jonezing for a healthy frosting as of late!!!
I'm definitely voting on the No-Butter Cream Frosting!! I have been jonezing for a healthy frosting as of late!!!
Once me and my colleague had a chance to have Swiss premium ice creams, two scoops of Movenpick ice creams of our choice. They were simply soothing. This is something one can’t afford to miss. You scream, I scream for Ice Cream!!
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